a.) I've been on a sabbatical of the soul. b.) I've been on vacation. c.) I've been in locations without internet connection. d.) I was overwhelmed. A-D above are all valid reasons **yes, excuses** for not having blogged for the last couple of months. But the point is, I love this burgeoning, creative forum, where I have virtually complete editorial control, even if no one is reading. Still satisfying (and non-navel gazing).
I had my first response to an earlier post just two days ago--that's roughly seven months after I started this blog--but damn, it was a good one. I encourage anybody who's read this far to check out the response to the off-the-cuff essay, which launched this blog back in January 2007, "Culture Is Not Dead." It's well thought out and intelligent, albeit contrary. And I have absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I'm really excited about a lot that's going on in my personal culturesphere right now. LA graf, the escalating debate over "authenticity", increased Burning Man prep, sightings and musings on riffs of Magritte's "ceci n'est pas une pipe", the heat-inspired fragrance of the New York summer. Stay tuned.
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