So the man burned early under a bright (red) eclipsed moon. Dust storms and barreling winds couldn't keep the double rainbows away. I was in awe, and inspired, by the Burning Man community this year. And, in particular, with one Brooklyite's (+ team) amazing-fantastic sculpture, about which I will continue to harp about to anyone who will listen: "If I do not see that thing permanently installed in its own atrium in a modern art museum in 20, 40 years, then there is something wrong with our curatorial system, and how we determine what is art." This gorgeous, shining, hulk of a piece is called Big Rig Jig, and it is one of the finest modern sculptural works I have ever seen — period. I interviewed Mike Ross, and SF Weekly loved it so much they picked it up for their art blog:
Burning Man's 'Big Rig Jig' Artist Nails It on 1st Try — A Q&A.
And by the way, this 360/vertical panorama plus from the
Las Vegas Sun is absolutely worth playing around with. Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about -- glance up, see an enormous couplea trucks -- that's what it's all about. Ding!